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Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät - Steuerung 01
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Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät für den Einsatz in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a team at the University of Cambridge has designed an open source ventilator in partnership with local clinicians, enginee...
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Open-Source-Beatmungsgeräte-Design COVID-19 Reaktion Parshwanath-Robotik
This is in response to the rising demand for ventilators to fight against the SARS-coV-2 and its disease COVID-19. The details of the design are as follows : 1....
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Open-Source-Beatmungsgeräte-Design für COVID-19 Kostengünstig
Mechanical ventilation, or assisted ventilation, is the medical term for artificial ventilation where mechanical means are used to assist or replace spontaneous...
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Open-Source-Beatmungsgeräte-Projekt Systemintegrationstest
Video created by David Lizdas, BSME, March 27, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. EST Learn more about our Open Source Ventilator Project at https://simulation.health.ufl.edu/te...
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As COVID-19 continues to push unprecedented challenges on medical communities, one of the most pressing threats for hospital staff across the country is a dwind...
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OpenVent Open-Source-Beatmungsgeräte-Projekt - Hackathon WirvsVirus gegen Corona
Open source ventilator OpenVent is an idea as part of the hackathon #WirvsVirus against Corona (COVID-19) for an open source ventilator with an ambubag (bag val...
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OpenVent-Bristol COVID-19 Beatmungsgerät Schnellbau-BVM-Beutel-Ventilmaske Ambu-Beutel £80
Please see a more recent version of my design in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIKmd1mEYg4&t=28s and the published design here: https://www.instru...
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Oxford und KCL entwerfen ein neues Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät
The OxVent team, a group of engineers and medics from Oxford University and Kings College London, has been shortlisted by government to go to the next stage of...
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OxyGEN-Beatmungsgeraete aus Acryl, Holz, Metall, usw.
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https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-103423307962632 Join us at discord: https...
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PREVAIL NY: JMA beteiligt sich am Kampf gegen COVID-19 mit Open-Source-Ventilator-Design
Hear from Dave Jackson of JMA Wireless and Dr. John M. Callahan, MD, about the collaborative project, PREVAIL NY. JMA engineers worked with Callahan to rapidly...
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Emergency ventilator to help fight COVID-19. Contact info@pva.net for more information.
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Pandemie-Beatmungsgerät auf der Canada Wide Science Fair
The video shows the ventilator operating with a lung simulator. The patient overpressure, line occlusion and loss of compressed air alarms are demonstrated.
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Pandemie-Ventilator-Prototypentest 1
The Pandemic Ventilator control system is demonstrated. The Pandemic Ventilator Project is located at panvent.blogspot.com
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Polen: Ingenieure entwickeln 3D-druckbares Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät, das Leben retten hilft
Subscribe to our channel rupt.ly/subscribe Engineers from Krakow have developed an open-source ventilator that can be reproduced by a 3D printer in order to hel...
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Protokolle mechanischer Ventilatoren (Teil 1) - Druckmessung in einem abgedichteten Gehäuse
This is a demonstration of using a BMP180 pressure module connected to a Wemos Lolin32 OLED ESP32 to detect inhalation and exhalation. This is designed for use...
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Prototyp aus Acryl mit Nockenwelle und Drehzahlregelung mittels Dimmer
https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-103423307962632 Join us at discord: https...
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Prototyp eines 100-Patienten-Beatmungsgeräts unter Verwendung von Standardbauteilen
Why make thousands of ventilators when you can make one BIG one?
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Prototyp eines Beatmungsgerätes für Küviden
Basic ventilator with wiper washer motor,
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Prototyp für neues Beatmungsgerät zur Behandlung von COVID-19-Patienten
They say they have the technology to build a million ventilators to help fight COVID-19 in less than 71 days, now all they need is the government to get on boar...
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- homemade #ventilator
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Sauerstoff-Iteration 5
Oxygen Iteration 5 built in acrylic. https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-1034...
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Schnell einsetzbares, kostengünstiges Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät für COVID-19-Patienten - erste Prototyp-Idee
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ramp up at an alarming rate, the government has called for assistance in solving or mitigating the upcoming shortage of re...
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Trinamic Open Source-Beatmungsgerät-Projekt
In this video, Michael and Jonathan present the Trinamic Open-Source Ventilator project. Completely open-source, it uses the TMC4671-LA and TMC6100 for controll...
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Vacuum Company stellt jetzt Ventilatoren in Massenproduktion her Quetschbar
UK manufacturer Gtech revealed a prototype design for a medical ventilator, a vital piece of equipment in the battle against the novel coronavirus. Gtech, known...
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Validierung des NeoVent, eines kostengünstigen, nicht invasiven Low-Tech-Druckbeatmungsgeräts
Organization: Advanced Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc Round 7 finalist
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VentilAid Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät, das überall lokal hergestellt werden kann
We believe #COVID19 pandemic will pass with minimized harm to mankind thanks to proper use of technology and solidarity in sharing knowledge. We are group of en...
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Voller Einsatz von MacGyver - Arzt der U of M schafft Behelfsbeatmungsgeräte zur Bekämpfung von COVID-19
Using spare parts, a local doctor says his team has come up with a low-cost solution to the ventilator shortage. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/health/coro...
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Vorgeschlagenes Beatmungsgerät
تم تصميم هذا المقترح من قبل المهندس محمود حميد معلومات اكثر عن اجهزة التنفس الاصطناعي تجدوها في المقال التالي: http://www.uruktech.iq/covid-19/ متجر اوروكتيك: w...
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Lizenz: unbekannt
WirVsVirusHack 01 006 Medizingeräteherstellung Do it yourself Beatmungsgerät 2
- WirVsVirusHack Team DIY Beatmungsgerät
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