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Oxford und KCL entwerfen ein neues Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät
The OxVent team, a group of engineers and medics from Oxford University and Kings College London, has been shortlisted by government to go to the next stage of...
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OxyGEN-Beatmungsgeraete aus Acryl, Holz, Metall, usw.
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https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-103423307962632 Join us at discord: https...
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PREVAIL NY: JMA beteiligt sich am Kampf gegen COVID-19 mit Open-Source-Ventilator-Design
Hear from Dave Jackson of JMA Wireless and Dr. John M. Callahan, MD, about the collaborative project, PREVAIL NY. JMA engineers worked with Callahan to rapidly...
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Emergency ventilator to help fight COVID-19. Contact info@pva.net for more information.
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Pandemie-Beatmungsgerät auf der Canada Wide Science Fair
The video shows the ventilator operating with a lung simulator. The patient overpressure, line occlusion and loss of compressed air alarms are demonstrated.
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Pandemie-Ventilator-Prototypentest 1
The Pandemic Ventilator control system is demonstrated. The Pandemic Ventilator Project is located at panvent.blogspot.com
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Plexiglasscheiben, die Sie vor COVID-19 schützen
Many Perth businesses are hurting right now, but one plastic manufacturer has found a silver lining – making Perspex shields to protect people from coronavirus....
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Polen: Ingenieure entwickeln 3D-druckbares Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät, das Leben retten hilft
Subscribe to our channel rupt.ly/subscribe Engineers from Krakow have developed an open-source ventilator that can be reproduced by a 3D printer in order to hel...
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Protokolle mechanischer Ventilatoren (Teil 1) - Druckmessung in einem abgedichteten Gehäuse
This is a demonstration of using a BMP180 pressure module connected to a Wemos Lolin32 OLED ESP32 to detect inhalation and exhalation. This is designed for use...
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Prototyp aus Acryl mit Nockenwelle und Drehzahlregelung mittels Dimmer
https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-103423307962632 Join us at discord: https...
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Prototyp eines 100-Patienten-Beatmungsgeräts unter Verwendung von Standardbauteilen
Why make thousands of ventilators when you can make one BIG one?
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Prototyp eines Beatmungsgerätes für Küviden
Basic ventilator with wiper washer motor,
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Prototyp für neues Beatmungsgerät zur Behandlung von COVID-19-Patienten
They say they have the technology to build a million ventilators to help fight COVID-19 in less than 71 days, now all they need is the government to get on boar...
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RespirAid 2: www.respiraid.org 3
Proof of concept: 2nd video
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- homemade #ventilator
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Sauerstoff-Iteration 5
Oxygen Iteration 5 built in acrylic. https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-1034...
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Schnell einsetzbares, kostengünstiges Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät für COVID-19-Patienten - erste Prototyp-Idee
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ramp up at an alarming rate, the government has called for assistance in solving or mitigating the upcoming shortage of re...
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Trinamic Open Source-Beatmungsgerät-Projekt
In this video, Michael and Jonathan present the Trinamic Open-Source Ventilator project. Completely open-source, it uses the TMC4671-LA and TMC6100 for controll...
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Vacuum Company stellt jetzt Ventilatoren in Massenproduktion her Quetschbar
UK manufacturer Gtech revealed a prototype design for a medical ventilator, a vital piece of equipment in the battle against the novel coronavirus. Gtech, known...
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Validierung des NeoVent, eines kostengünstigen, nicht invasiven Low-Tech-Druckbeatmungsgeräts
Organization: Advanced Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc Round 7 finalist
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VentilAid Open-Source-Beatmungsgerät, das überall lokal hergestellt werden kann
We believe #COVID19 pandemic will pass with minimized harm to mankind thanks to proper use of technology and solidarity in sharing knowledge. We are group of en...
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Virtual Maker Faire - Einführung der Open-Source-Detektoren COVID-19
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Virtual Maker Faire - Einführung der Open-Source-Detektoren COVID-19 2
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Voller Einsatz von MacGyver - Arzt der U of M schafft Behelfsbeatmungsgeräte zur Bekämpfung von COVID-19
Using spare parts, a local doctor says his team has come up with a low-cost solution to the ventilator shortage. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/health/coro...
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Vollmaske aus Plastikflasche Korona-Vermeidung Best of Waste-Projekt 31
As we know coronavirus is spreading all over the world, but we can stop this by taking proper prevention measures. Only mask on mouth is not sufficient, our eye...
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Vorgeschlagenes Beatmungsgerät
تم تصميم هذا المقترح من قبل المهندس محمود حميد معلومات اكثر عن اجهزة التنفس الاصطناعي تجدوها في المقال التالي: http://www.uruktech.iq/covid-19/ متجر اوروكتيك: w...
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Wie man eine Maske mit Aktivkohlefilter herstellt
In this video I will show you how to make an mask with activated carbon filter at home. Pattern download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1n1tls6IHIdxO83w...
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WirVsVirusHack 01 006 Medizingeräteherstellung Do it yourself Beatmungsgerät 2
- WirVsVirusHack Team DIY Beatmungsgerät
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